Aug 26, 2010

New Message While Fighting?


I got the following e-mail from one of my readers and want to share this image to see if anybody else has noticed this message.  I haven't seen it in my game.  If anybody clicks on "Go to Requests", please comment and tell us what happens.  I couldn't find anything about this on The Forum Boards.  I gave up since you are only allowed to do one search per minute! Thanks to Dave Carter for sharing.
While fighting today, I saw something I have not seen before. At the bottom of the fight results where the Bonus Loot shows up, a graphic displayed (attachment) wanting me to go to my requests. It had the little "facebook logo" on it but I didn't trust it at all so I didn't click on it. Besides, I don't need them to tell me when to check my requests. The more I think about it, the more I don't like it. I'm busy fighting and I'm supposed to stop and go check my requests? duh!
I haven't heard anyone else talking about it and thought I would send it your way so you would know.
Dave Carter
aka: {Sentinel} The Wrench

1 comment:

  1. Hi Loot Lady!
    Had that also on Tuesday. It leads you to the request page of FB, same as the button on the top of the game...
    Andreas S. Brecher
    aka John Doe


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