Mistyfied Mafia Wars&Pimping is one of the best places you can go to build your mafia family. If you have enough family members, it's still a great site to visit. There is a lot of good information posted on their wall. I like their sense of humor the best. They may use funny pictures to pimp their players but rest assured the ones who do get pimped are top notch Mafia Wars players. One of their motto's is "Quality Not Quantity". To join, click on the link above and click like.
"We are a group of like-minded Mafia Wars players who agree that common sense needs to be a part of the game - even if Zynga has none.
We are players of Mafia Wars, who are not affiliated with Zynga in any way.
We hold our mafias to the same standards - it's about quality, not quantity. And we want only the best.
This page is not intended to be "competition" for any existing site or page or blog. We don't scramble to bring it to you FIRST, we methodically give it to you straight. Hardcore, trustworthy information."/Mistified Mafia Wars&PimpingHere is a good example of Pimping done right. I'm a fan of anything that is logical and can make me laugh.
We here at Mistyfied Pimping

Darryl Dixon
is nearly 1100 in level, and is a pretty strong fighter. He's already finished everything in the game except for D3 Ruby level in Vegas, and he's really hoping to gain some heavy hitters who will be able to help him out with the Black Widow. He also plays a little Yakuza Lords on the side.
Tony Reynolds
is almost level 400, and is looking to replace some inactive playas in his mafia with active playas. He loves fighting & going after bullies, and the interaction and banter among his crew. He hates useless postings - one thing I love about Tony is that he only posts 1 Iced post a day, to kinda show where he's at numberswise, and in case anyone actually WANTS the boost.
Shelly Webb
is chasing down level 1200, and is a fighter looking for more family. She doesn't do wars anymore, but will assist if asked. Speaking from my own experience, she is a personable and kind person who will add to your Facebook experience. She also plays Farmtown and Farmville, Cafe World, and Zynga Poker. We'll have to play a few hands, Shelly!If you want to keep adding...
Past Pimpees
Become a fan of Mistyfied Mafia Wars&Pimping!
Want to be pimped? You must be a fan of Mistyfied Mafia Wars&Pimping, and then send a message to my inbox. I only pimp quality Mafia Wars players. Read about the process here.
Your request to be pimped will be ignored if:
- you post every single icing post.
- you declare war on players without prior agreement.
- you post your wish list more than once a day.
- you are a page suggester and group inviter.
- you are a crackwhore.
- you think people care what you get from the safehouse.
- "I Helped, Your Turn" - you're hurting more people than you're helping.
- you think Facebook chat will help you find love or loot.
That being said, there is now a waiting list to be pimped. The note will be rotated once or twice weekly. Please be patient :)
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