Aug 28, 2010

Inventory Tab


Jonezie Malone, Community Manager, made a post titled Testing Group: Inventory Now Located in Profile! on the Zynga Forum Boards today. 
I checked my accounts and the "Inventory" tab was still in the same spot it always was.
I got an e-mail from my friend who writes a blog about Mafia Wars in Spanish called Mafia Wars Latino, and his account fell into this testing group.  When he clicked on the "Trading" Tab, he was directed to the traditional Gifting page and nothing else happened. 
Jonezie Malone says this is for "some upcoming changes" so I imagine this will tie into the new Multi-Gifting Feature which is also being tested. If you prefer to get your Mafia Wars information in Spanish or have mafia members who do, check out the Mafia Wars Latino Blog.  I have added the link to my Fan Pages, Websites, and Forums Page located on the Home Page of this Blog.  I will be further updating this page as there are many great sites I still need to list.


  1. I have the same type of gifting page and have no inventory tab. However, a friend gave me a link to the inventory page:
    Inventory Page:

    Loot Page:

    Collections Page:


  3. I really appreciate your post and it was superb .Thanks for sharing information.

  4. I appreciate your post, thanks for sharing the post, i would like to hear more about this in future.


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