Aug 13, 2010

How To Defeat 'Red' Jackson


Defeating 'Red Jackson', The Las Vegas District 5: Mojave Desert Boss posed to be just as challenging as Juliana 'Black Widow' Trieste.  There are some key differences in these two Boss Fights so the strategy I outlined in the article How To Defeat Juliana 'Black Widow' Trieste won't work.  There is no "Ask for Help" option with this Boss Fight so you are on your own.  'Red' doesn't have as much health but she does bring two henchmen named Mendonca and Seck to the fight.  You have to kill them before you can even start to do any damage to 'Red'.  I tried attacking and using my consumables in the same manner as I did in the other Las Vegas Boss Fights, but I was crushed every time.  One of my mafia members, Diane Shiramizu, suggested I try a different pattern when using the consumables.  I tired her suggestions and to my delight, it worked!  I outlined exactly what I did in the charts below.  This may or may not work for everybody so please comment and let me know.
1.  Use all of your Grenades.  These will cause damage to each boss and henchman.
2.  Use all of your Stun Guns.  Make sure you click "Use" and then "Attack".  Your attack will cause damage without costing you any.
3.  Attack once or twice (depending on how much health you have) and then use enough Health Kits to bring yourself back to full health.
4.  Use all of your Shiv's.  Click "Use" and then "Attack".  If this is your first round, you will most likely get crushed.  That's ok because you have probably done a lot of damage.  When you try again, it will be easier.
(click images to enlarge)
After all this, I got crushed.  Here is what 'Red' looked like when I returned for my second try.  Both Henchmen were dead and 'Red' was at 2,671 health.  I was ready for the fight.  Noticed that I'm at 100% health and my consumables are mostly replenished.  The second chart outlines what I did before I attacked 'Red' again. 
5.  Do not travel outside of Las Vegas.  If you do then the Bosses regenerate their health.  It's important to make sure you don't have any bookmarklet programs running that could take you outside of Las Vegas.
6.  While you are in Las Vegas, find the lowest energy job you have and do it to replenish your consumables.  It's best to attempt the first fight right before or right after you level up so you have enough energy to get a decent amount of consumables.  Time is important.  The longer you wait to attack again, the more health 'Red' and her henchmen will regenerate.
7.  Heal yourself.  If you level while doing the jobs, you will automatically be healed.  If not then you need to use Las Vegas currency or a Reward Point.  You don't want to leave Las Vegas to heal or there will be a greater amount of health regeneration.
8.  Initiate the attack again and repeat the pattern outlined in steps 1-4. 

I was able to defeat her pretty quickly when I tried a second time.  I used all of my Grenades and only needed to do 3 Stun Gun attacks.  Don't get discouraged if you don't make it the second time.  If you try enough times, eventually you will win.  I'm so grateful that Diane shared this information with me and in effect you.  I wasn't sure how I was going to do it and was annoyed that I couldn't complete District 5. 


  1. THANK YOU!! I just defeated her after reading your guide! I defeated her with only 450healt/500 defense and 1050 attack and 3 stunguns and 7 granades (ran out of energy to loot stuff) !!

    The secret is to stay in vegas district 5 and just heal yourself after youre crushed! I defeated her after doing this 4 times!


  2. One thing you can do is have a second browser open. You will be able to heal yourself at the hospital rather than use the health packs as long as you don't travel to another city and that your health doesn't hit 0.

  3. how did you replenish your consumables so quickly?

  4. I initiated the fight when I had enough energy to level up. I went to District 1 and did the lowest energy job available. I also had an energy pack. The drop rate on these items is pretty good in Las Vegas. I didn't even need to use most of them. I should have included my stats with this. I have 505 Health and about 2,300 energy and stamina. Can't check cause I'm not playing this week end.

  5. the new checklist from johnny 'mac the knife' is fantastic ... that's the sort of thing i just wish i had when i was first starting to play ... Jennifer, you and johnny rock!


  6. Thanks for your help with her.

  7. When I return for my 2nd try the henchman are at FULL health. Sorry but your plan does not work as advertised.

  8. @Anonymous, I clearly state that this may or may not work for everybody. You're the first one to comment that it didn't. One reason this plan doesn't work is if you leave Las Vegas to heal. Make sure you aren't doing that. Also this was written a while ago and Zynga could have changed things. I wasn't "advertising" that this plan would 100% work all the time. It worked for me and several of my mafia members so I felt the need to share it.


  10. Did not work for me.
    Did not leave lv and used reward points to heal
    Tried doing it two ways:getting crushed and healing, and using Reward points to heal before reaching 0.
    But when I came back to attack either the henchmen would be back, or the computer would think i was not healed.
    As you say, does not work for everyone.
    Maybe there is something I did wrong?

  11. Worked for me - thank you.

  12. A cicken speack englesh better than me (I'm Italian) but anyway thank you so much.. ciao by: Roberto VENICE ITALY

  13. Thank you so much!!! I tried other ways before and I could never win. finally I won. Thanks again!!!

  14. Yep, the 2 henchmen are the killer for me each time and $2 mil in Vegas to heal is pricey.

  15. Finally won this fight! The advice here are worthy and i used reward point to refill health instead of using precious V$!! Thanks

  16. Thank you Miss Loot Lady!!! I finally defeated her!!!

  17. Thank you!!! I defeated her with your advice and heal w/o RP? How? Using Energy and Stamina in Las Vegas. All JOBS here is double or more EXP than you Energy you pay.

  18. can't thank enough!!! thank you!! can i use this strategy on other boss's as well?
    or is this one applies only to red jackson.? thank you!!!

  19. Henchmen are healing themselves... whatever strategy i choose. :/

  20. WOW !! After so many failed attempts.. I took your advice and followed the strategy..I defeated Reds Ruby Level in one Shot.. Thank you so much.. Love ya.. YIppeeeee

  21. 2 henchman are fully heal after i come back, but i logged out between each fight (but i didnt change city)

  22. Sigh. Tried for a while now and henchmen always regenerates. Never left Vegas. Only 2 shivs and 1 stun gun dropped after using all energy... not meant to be I guess =P

  23. im having same issue i dont leave city and the henchman regenerate, i only do like 247 damage to them so take like 6 stuns on them 2 beat them

  24. Read the article 3 times before I went in with everything maxed out. I used all the cash to heal first then reward points. Each time I went back to fight her the henchman had healed and she kicked my arse. I wasnt even close. Spent 3000 energy points to renew consumables and got a shiv, one health, one grenade and one stun gun. Once they were gone I couldnt even get past the henchmen to hurt her.

  25. I was getting frustrated and wondering how to beat this boss. I went through a BUNCH of energy and stamina refills trying to beat her before finding your guide. This strategy worked perfectly, thank you for the tip!

  26. The good news is if you look at the article about high end vegas loot, you realize you dont WANT to beat the last four bosses, because you WANT to keep each of those tiers bronze so you can get 501 VHEL. After you get 501 of each item dropped in a tier you'll want to beat the boss, but not till then.

  27. It worked !!!! read your instructions and it worked thankyou

  28. Great post!!! Thank you very much. I defeat this bitch :)

  29. After weeks of trying, this finally worked for me. Thanks so much!! :D


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