Aug 25, 2010

Cross Promotion Bonuses Cut Off Early????


UPDATE:  Many of my mafia members, readers and Forum Board participants are still getting their stamina refills.  I just got mine too.  My advice is to keep trying and use the links provided in the articles I wrote about the cross promotion games.  I know the Farmville bonuses have been discontinued.  Maybe this is what Al Catraz was talking about.  The 2 images below were taken by tonight when I received a Stamina Refill bonus in Treasure Isle and Zynga Poker.
Al Catraz, Super Moderator, disappointed many players when he recently announced on the Zynga Forum Boards in the thread titled Has the Treasure Isle stamina bounus been discontinued? that some of the cross-game promotions have been pulled.
(click on images to enlarge or go click on the link above)
Mr. Sim y0 summed it up best.  This is another Nerf by Zynga and I'm mad that I took the time to write articles about these bonuses!


  1. y is tht im still receiving this....

  2. A lot of people still are. Al says in the discussion thread not to broadcast it on the Forum Boards. Who knows, maybe he is wrong and everybody can still get it. That would be nice. I'm sure going to try tomorrow.

  3. Im still receiving them

  4. still working for me.
    Nice cards Ace!
    You sharked 'em all and got away clean. You earned a stamina refill for your slick moves at the table. Come back tommorow after the heat's off to get another reward!

  5. I just got the Treasure Isle Stamina Refill, so it still works, you just need the drip link.., here

    not sure if this works for you all -- if not i am sorry, but it does work for me


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