May 29, 2010

Bangkok Unlocked: Triad or Yakuza? BOTH!!!


The Arch-Angel Nemesis has done it again!  His new tool Bangkok Unlock (Live) was just released and it is a brilliant piece of work.  Yakuza or Triad?  This seems like a simple enough decision but the pros and cons of each make it difficult to choose.  Choosing one over the other will lock you out of a Triad or Yakuza loot dropping job.  Who knew The Forest Scorpion would become so popular?  If you have stayed awake at night contemplating this decision and lived with regret because you made the wrong choice, this is the tool for you.  No more feeling like a loser when you see your news feeds and learn that everybody else picked Yakuza and you chose Triad.  No more worrying about how you will come up with enough energy or stamina to gain Faction points with Yakuza or Triad.  With Bangkok Unlock sitting in your bookmark toolbar it no longer matters which side you choose!!!.  Bangkok Unlock (live) will do the following things for you:

1.  Allow you to perform jobs in Bangkok which you locked.
2.  Allow you to gain +3 faction standing points with Triad or Yakuza by doing the satellite phone job of your choice.
3.  Perform all of the loot dropping jobs for less energy*
*If you have a level mastery of 4 on all your job tiers in Bangkok, this feature will not work for you.

To start using this tool today, follow the steps below:
1.  Go to the The Arch-Angel Nemesis Website
2.  Right click on the box containing the words Bangkok Unlock (live) and don't release, while maintaining your hold on the right click button, move your mouse up to the bookmark tool bar (this is known as dragging), release your hold in the bookmark location of your choice (this is known as dropping).  The bookmark will now stay in whatever location you dropped it in.
3.  Click, drag and drop on the ScrollMW bookmark if you haven't done so already (not required for  Bangkok Unlock to work but you will need the scroll bars if you want to move around in the game).

4.  Go to your Mafia Wars game, travel to BK, and go to Jobs. Click once on Bangkok Unlock (now located in your tool bar) to take the game out of frame. If your screen starts to shrink or do weird things, read my article titled Screen Shrinkage & Missing Scroll Bars to learn how to stop this).  Click Bangkok Unlock a second time to activate the program. Since unframing will cause your scroll bars to disappear.  Click once on ScrollMW to get them back.  Your screen will now look like this:

5.  Click on the item you want to make and the job will appear below the program regardless of which Faction you chose.  In order for this program to work, you need to have Episode 6, Chapter 3 unlocked for all items except for the satellite phone.  The satellite phone requirement is to have Episode 3, Chapter 2  unlocked.  Also ensure that you have purchased all the inventory items for the job corresponding to the item you choose to make. 

In addition to using Bangkok Unlock (Live) to farm loot on jobs which are locked, you can also use it to gain faction points for Yakuza or Triad.  Click on the satellite phone job for the Faction you wish to gain standing points with.  Every time you do this, you will gain 3 faction points and a Satellite Phone.

You can also use this tool to save energy.  Go to any job tier in which you only have a mastery level of 1 (1 star) and click on any of the items in this program.  The job will now cost you the same amount of energy as if you were doing it in the first level.  Example:  Your Episode 7 job tier is at level 1 (only 1 star is present) and your Episode 3 job tier is at level 4(all 4 stars are present).  Normally it would cost 77 energy points to do this job.  If you go to Episode 7, load Bangkok Unlock, and choose the satellite phone job of your choice, the job will only cost you 35 energy  points.  With the script, the game thinks you are at a level 1 mastery and will only require the energy cost for level 1 instead of level 4 for any job you chose.  If you are past level one on all job tiers than it will cost more for level two, even more for level 3 and even out at level 4.  Special Thanks goes to Karen La Strange for explaining this to me.

If you have a big energy account and don't want to manually click every time you do the job, you can run The Spockholm RepeatJob Beta Bookmarklet at the same time as Bangkok Unlock (Live). This is another excellent tool available on The Spockholm Mafia Tools Website.  Follow the bookmark installation steps above but go to the Spockholm Beta Test Bookmarklets Page and click, drag and drop the RepeatJob Beta Bookmark.

From your unframed Mafia Wars job page already loaded with Bangkok Unlock (Live), click on one of the items to get the job on the screen and then click on RepeatJob Beta once to activate and your screen will contain both bookmarklet programs.  You can now let it run, minimize the window, open a new one and go about your business.  When you run out of energy, you will have the loot items you never thought you could make.
I have level 4 mastery on this job tier and chose Yakuza.  It cost 35 energy points (I had a boost which subtracted 18 energy points).  With out this script, I can not do this job and it would cost 77 energy points.

Because this program is live, you won't need to delete and re-add it whenever there is an update.  I don't recommend farming a large quantity of Forest Scorpions until the new Animal Feature is released.  We don't know if the animals dropping in the game will become giftable.  To learn more about Bangkok Unlock (live) or ask The Arch-Angel Nemesis questions about his tool, click HERE to go to his fan page. 

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