I just got word from my always reliable source, Simy0, that Snoop Dogg is going to be the one who pushes the button to blow up the truck in Las Vegas on Thursday Aug, 19th at 6PM, PST. Find out more about the event by reading the following article from AgencySpy titled
Zynga, Mafia Wars Truck Explosion to Go Down Thursday. I hope I can find out where this event will take place so I can be there to get pictures and maybe meet Snoop Dogg. FO SHIZZLE !
You just lost all credibility in my book by uttering the "words" fo shizzle...
i don't want that corporate idiot anywhere near anything I touch... oh wait, nah.. yeh the urban market... next we'll have mace windu as armour... and roc-a-fella collection, yes black people all like snoop dogg, yes they all do crack, and yes they are all niggaz..not, im black so I can say this... I wonder which banker suggested he make himself known to people who try getting away from mainstream, can't escape the bo**ocks, terrible world