
Aug 18, 2010

Funny Live Chat Session

Prior to many of us reading the fine print in the "Mafia Wars Is Blowin' Up"  Promotion, we thought something cool was going to happen as soon as the Vegas Visitor Counter reached 10,000,000.  Nothing happened and it was a little anti-climatic.  One of my mafia members, Chris Stock decided to complain about it via the Customer Support Live Chat option.  I got a laugh out of reading his chat transcript.  He sounds very believable and I don't think Fernado C realized he was trying to capitalize on the disappointment.  Whatever the case, Chris was able to score an energy refill.  I think Fernando C. just wanted to get rid of him.  Thanks to Chris for sharing this entertaining chat session with us.

Fernando C: Hi, my name is Fernando C. How may I help you?  
chris stock: hello there  
chris stock: the counter hit 10 million but I cant find the truck blowing up 
chris stock: it says they will stream it live - once it hits 10 million visits -  
Fernando C: We will be publicizing the event very soon. Please refer to the Mafia Wars Las Vegas website for the most up to date information.  
Fernando C:  
chris stock: it is 10 million all day  
chris stock: I have been awake for 20 hours straight in fear for missing it - I dont think I can stay awake much longer 
chris stock: I am so sad 
chris stock: It said soon as it hits 10million not - a day later...... 
chris stock: I just know soon as I go to bed I will miss it  
chris stock: I have drank so many energy drinks I feel twitchy... 
Fernando C: I am very sorry, Chris. As I said, we will be publicizing the event very soon.  
chris stock: I cant stay awake much longer - how soon is soon? 
chris stock: tonight?  
Fernando C: Unfortunately, I have not been provided with an estimated time. I deeply apologize. 
Fernando C: Have I answered all your Mafia Wars questions today?  
chris stock: I have been awake 20 hours - so far because you made it sound like it was to be instant after 10 million hits   
chris stock: if you dont have a estimated time - then does that mean you are lying when you said it will be soon? 
Fernando C: It will be soon. I have not been told when though.   
Fernando C: Other than your last issue, is there anything else I can help you with today?  
chris stock: I am so sad about this ... plz refill my energy 
chris stock: heh I know you cant make me more awake was kidding -   
Fernando C: I refilled your energy. 
Fernando C: Do you have any other Mafia Wars questions?  
chris stock: great ty  - hope its soon!  you have a nice night!  
Fernando C: Thanks for contacting Zynga

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