
Jan 4, 2016

Same Old Mission Bug

UPDATE: It seems you need to be in Japan when you enter the Arena. Once I tried it this way the Rock Hyraxes started dropping (at a very slow rate but it beats zero).

It's bad enough that Zynga slapped a 30 day timer on the Japan City Mission. If you recall, Los Angeles doesn't have a timer. Now many will be forced to try to master districts they aren't ready for and those who did will have to endure the ruby level jobs. I won't even get into the requirements for the Syndicate jobs. What's even more annoying in this game is when you do things the way you are supposed to and the expected outcome never happens. In almost all Missions we have had in the past few years there is always a task to loot something by doing damage in the Arena. 90% of the time the items never show up. After doing 46 Shootout Arenas and dealing 1,052,656 damage I have zero Rock Hyraxes and I'm not even surprised. If Zynga can't fix this reoccurring bug than they could be smart and remove this type of task. After a day or two of white screens, most of us are already behind in this Mission and this isn't helping anyone.


  1. Use Kamikazes in arenas to get the Hyraxes. Easy. As far as the rest, I finished districts 4 and 5 the day they came out.

  2. WOW, i didnthave any problem with that part nor any part in urban assault & am done with districts 3&4 in about a week for both ? ? Roy

    1. All bugs don't affect all players. Not all players have the time or resources to finish all districts in a few days. Consider yourself lucky but it would be in your best interest to be concerned for those who encounter bugs as they could be the straws that break the camels back. If enough players quit, you will no longer have a game to play.

    2. I wish more players WOULD quit so we no longer have a game to play. Unless you are in the top 1%, this game is no fun anymore, just work. I am avoiding this mission in order to avoid more frustration.

    3. Well, it IS a Japan extreme mission - would make sense that you would have to enter the arena from Japan... right? Or am I just not affected by having used Demon all my life? (can think and reason with things)

      So, it is not really a "bug" if the loot does drop in the arena when entering from Japan... is it? But hey, I am glad you finally figured this out... after 46 arenas :D

    4. It is a bug. The Arnea is not in a destination and is outside Mafia Wars so where you enter it from should not matter. And if you think I checked after each Arena than you aren't thinking it through. Obviously I had a script running and came back to it after a few hours.

    5. Well, obviously, lol :P

      I just think this issue had been taken up before, in some other event - where we also had to loot something and they didn't drop if you entered the arena from the "wrong" destination - just thought it was established that it DID in fact matter... my bad :)

    6. I'm with LL on this one. Perhaps a more correct determination would be appropriate. "Zynga LIED to its players AGAIN". When arena first rolled out, Zynga announced that it did not matter what city you were located in when joining a battle. Players are now discovering that it DOES matter. Many players exhausted tons of stamina, only to find out that they MUST be in the Mission City to obtain the loot items. No big deal, you may think. However, with the continuous loss of players, soon it will become a BIG deal. Zynga continues to mislead its players and some day it will end this game.

    7. Well, people will never stop playing MW - Zynga knows this and that is the ONLY reason they are so arrogant and indifferent about every aspect of this game and its players. Zynga hasn't given a single f*ck about anything for years and the game and the state that it'sin reflects that fact. Do you seriously think that Zynga would spend 1 second fixing this? Look at all the crap going on in this game, lol... Zynga quit ages ago! as long as people continue to eat the shit they serve... why would they wanna spend time and money fixing or improving anything? They know that whatever they do... and no matter how much everyone complains and gets upset about stuff... we will continue to play and spend money. Zynga has a winning formula here... get people addicted then screw them!

      Zynga cares only about money - they couldn't care less about us or the game - I mean, come on, look at it, lol... complaining is futile at this point. I am pretty sure the second Zynga realized that they lost the battle to scripts... they thought to themselves "Fuck it - we will keep this game afloat at the absolute lowest cost and with a heap load of copy/paste events to see if we can get some to spend money completing them" And so far it is working brilliantly for them. But hey, Demon and other scripts DID kill their game... I would be rather pissed off too, lol... wouldn't you?

  3. I am not even interested in Japan mission after doing 2 parts and looking at the next part. I have had no luck in completing much of anything in Japan. I am just about over this game, it is more work than fun any more

  4. Thank you for your post! I even don't know if I have that bug, because I'm not that far in Japan... I wanted finish LA, not thinking they would do a mission with a timer on it :-(

  5. I was doing Mob Fury arenas and they weren't dropping... ooops LOL

  6. Maybe Zynga has a limited number of Rock Hyraxes & they have already been grabbed. I am just kidding, so you don't have to comment about that.

    Seriously, though, if Zynga cannot make this work in a manner than is anything other than random then they need to drop it. It needs to have some sane rhyme or reason on how to get these damn loot items.

    1. If it were "Loot Rock Hyraxes" from fighting . . . it would make more sense.

      Not every MW player has the time/stamina/patience to fight in the arena.

  7. I have the same problem with "COLLECT 10 THUG'S FAVOR IN RISE OF TATSUYA", been doing it for the last 3 days and not dropped a single one!

    1. duh oh, they don't "drop" it is part of the syndicate job. You use yen or consumables to get them.

    2. COLLECT 10 THUG'S FAVOR IN RISE OF TATSUYA is not actually in any of the jobs but by 'clicking' the "GAIN FAVOR" either the red or blue, that is what they mean. I had the same dumb founded look on my face too. Hope this helps

    3. Thugs favor drop when you are "favored". They are the item you need to do the syndicate job.

    4. They do not drop from jobs, you need to collect them from the Syndicate jobs. Just "gain favor", every 15 minutes you can do it. This is the easiest job of the UA.

    5. I had finished Japan completely and have only the syndicate jobs left. I collected all items needed "gain favor" and just have to click energy away now (and money - but I had 180k yen). For me the worst "job" is to upgrade the zen garden 3 times :/

  8. When i saw the timer all i could think of was ,Zynga go piss up a rope

  9. Obviously, you did not click "win favor"! They do now drop like have to click on them, either Red or Blue.

  10. While many, including me, appreciate the useful mw information posted here, the incessant can of bitch and moan you constantly open and reopen speaks more about you than most want to know. Capiche?

    1. lol, I've made about 2 blog posts in a month so it's not really constant. Someone suggested you enter arenas from Japan in response to my bitching and guess what? It worked. So there is a reason behind it. From here on out this blog will probably only be for bitching about problems so if you don't like it than don't read it. It's pretty simple.

    2. I absolutely love it when you bitch and moan in a reply denying that you bitch and moan, specifically stating bitching that you do not bitch enough when you have posted approx 4 posts in the last month in 3 of which you bitched. In case you have the stomach for truth just review all those posts before where you will find can of bitch and moan after can of bitch and moan opened for it is in your jeans.

    3. Did you read my comment? I said I was probably only going to bitch and moan and at no point did I deny it. Who cares if someone wants to complain about something? You are bitching and moaning about me bitching and moaning so what's the difference? The fact that you are anonymous and don't have the balls to tell us who you are?

    4. gosh guys, show some balls and put your real ID if you are going to complain.

    5. When did Eeyore take over this blog? Jen, we wish you were happy so you didn't depress the shit out of us all the time.

  11. COLLECT 10 THUG'S FAVOR IN RISE OF TATSUYA"you have to do one of the gain favour clicks hope this helps i was doing jobs to start with then realised that wasnt what was neede gl x

  12. I guess I am lucky I just have the upgrades for the Zen Garden to finish

    I personally appreciate your blog and thank you for putting forth the effort

  13. The Hyraxes, do this: Use 500 arena and see to that You use all Your stamina.
    you will then get 6 Hyraxes no matter the damage/stamina value. If You use all stamina from a powrpack You get 7.
    Very nice that You are back Jen. Write whatever You like, it's Your site. Brats and cry babys who dont like it can go see their mama.

  14. Ices in Japan are impossible. I have over 45k in attack, over 800k for my mafia and every single opponent has either infinite health, I am instantly attacked over and over again and lose health faster than I can get it back, or the opponent is already dead. This sucks!!! I have wasted over 1M stamina and I have gotten 2 ices. Zynga sucks on this.


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