
Dec 9, 2015

Special Event Loot Items

Some loot items labeled 'Special Event' were added to the inventory. I'm not 100% what these are for. We are due for another Family Business but the stats don't really fit. Some look like Crafter's Choice but the stats don't match and there isn't a consumable. These could be for actual events or Marketplace gimmicks. Your guesses are as good as mine.


  1. I bet the second set of loots are for a safesmith (the number of loots).

  2. I don't think anyone cares at this point. Every time we log in it's a safesmith, operation, mission, challenge mission, slaughter season, lucky break, lucky streak, war tier accompanied by fight loot, arena loot, VIP loot, siege loot. Then if we're lucky it's another copy/paste district for the latest destination. SA, Mexico, LA or Japan. Failing that it'll be a whole new crappy destination or a limited time district or worse. An off shoe turfs limited time district. Then VIP's can expect more boring stuff. A bounty season or a VIP exclusive mission. Every time we log in we a 100% certain to find one crap event or another to ignore like it matters.

    1. lol, exactly why I can barely tolerate playing or keeping up with this blog :) I almost made a post today saying I Quit! when I saw the snoozefest in store for us.

    2. Who the hell says you have to do everything zynga throws at us???? Do what you want to and stop bitching because the last time I checked this was a game that you had complete control over how you play!!! If you can't handle the game just quit!!!

    3. It's not about not handling it, it's about enjoying it. Games should be fun. People are quitting and they will do so when they are ready not when you tell them they should. If people want to vent then they are free to do so. If you don't like it, don't read about it.

    4. I wasn't complaining about anything. I was pointing out no one cares what the loot is for any more. Like 99% of the remaining player base ignores everything now anyway and just do what they did before all the events started. I just level and ignore everything else I'm sure they'll be people who just fight and ignore everything else as well. Not at all about quitting just that these events are so useless now as the loot at the end of them is good for about 5 minutes before they replace it with something better.

  3. Do the events you like and ignore the ones you don't.

  4. I looked up those Jellyfish --- maybe promo related to Japan?? Irukandji jellyfish were at one time thought to be in the northern waters of Australia only. Since then, according to a National Geographic documentary[7] on jellyfish, the species has been found in waters as far north as the British Isles, Japan, and Florida[8] coast of the United States. There have been sighting and recorded injuries in the waters of Malaysia. Cloud Shroud could be something with regards to Japan Volcanos -- the Loon is tricky.. not sure on that one..

  5. Could perhaps be stage 1 of the Japan extreme mission - we know these always come VERY fast. lol... so they can push out a stage 2 and/or 3 later on when more districts are available


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