
Dec 11, 2015

Happy Holidays

It's no secret that I've been extremely bored with Mafia Wars. I'm going to take some time away and see if that helps. I hope everyone reading this has a great holiday season. 


  1. Enjoy your break Jen and have a Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year may all your wishes come true xx

  2. You will be sorely missed. Sure hope the time away helps and you come back soon. Who will be letting us know about all the coming events in your absence?

  3. Thank you for all that you have put into this and enjoy the break!

  4. Since Fight Carnage was introduced, the game has become really boring. No fun when you can't participate in DB's, mocks, FFA's and wars. Oh yeah! I almost forgot that it's because of you that we lost the only fun thing that was left in the game for us small and mid-range fighters. Thanks for the early Christmas present Jen! We really did appreciate it! NOT!!!

    1. You sir are a mucking foron and a troll. This blog has been very valuable to many who play the game. Go crawl back under whatever rock you were under a stfu :) Have a nice day :)

    2. Troll Alert! It's a game and you are a mucking foron. The information shared on this blog has helped many navigate the sometimes confusing wold of the GAME aka Mafia Wars. To lay blame for a perceived slight or game change to the author of this blog displays your ignorance. Many thanks Jen and enjoy your time away from the trolls :)

    3. Totally agree.So pathetic people blaming Loot lady for all they dislike about the game .And yet no thanks for all the heads up posts .Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.Thanks for all the help here over the years.

    4. wish this guy would have used his name instead of being anonymous so the rest of us could sit on him and ruin his game for good cause its all he deserves ... whos does he think he is blaming jen for ruining the game when all she has ever done is keep this going to help all of us that play no matter how big or small ... what a punk

    5. pull your lower lip over your head and swallow you fucktard!!!!! jen has no control over what zynga does and has done so many great things for this game!!!!

    6. No need to take your frustrations out on the Loot Lady, she's certainly helped me the last 6 years. Alas, I will probably stop playing this game shortly as well. It's just not the same and has become more work than fun. That and the game play SUCKS.......thank you Zynga for giving me back 2 hours/day.

    7. Thank you Jen for all you have done for us. I for one will miss you very much and I hope your time off will help you renew your love for the game and your blogs have been invaluable to me and i am sure thousands of other players as well. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Come back to us when you can. You will be missed!

  5. LOL, it won't help. This mafia wars is like a bad relationship, once you get away from it, you will feel relieved and wonder why it took so long.

  6. Many thanks for all you've done, Jenn. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved "breather" and will come back soon. All the best. Have a Feliz Christkwanzannukamas and an Awesome Winter Solstice.
    Best regards,
    Vince Stein
    Oakland, CA

  7. I think we all understand you're pain. We'll find some way to manage without you. Merry Christmas and take a well-deserved hibernation.

  8. enjoy your holidays and please come back soon !

  9. Happy Holidays! We'll miss you - enjoy your break, though.

  10. WOW talk about a shot to the guts, Jen, this will be traunatic for many who depend on you and your team for the run downs and run throughs on all things MW ! You and your pages have been an almost daily part of my life for so many years now !!! Bu But life does go on no matter if in a game or not. It makes me sad but I do sincerly hope you enjoy your Real time Holidays and hopefull will miss the game and us and come back later on even if only to play as simply a any day player. Sad but still wishing you the best things in your life....

  11. Merry Christmas Jen and a belated happy birthday too!

  12. “Haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves;
    because you're a reflection of what they wish to be”
    Merry Christmas Jen!

  13. have fun babes cos i gonna join ya..xx

  14. Thank you for all of the help that you have provided to all of us over the years. I am currently soured on MW and just kind of on idle, but thank you for all you have done for me while I actively played the game. Enjoy your holidays and your time away from MW.

  15. You'll be sorely missed!! Enjoy your holidays and hopefully come back soon. xoxo

  16. Merry Christmas to you. I imagine that this is really good bye. It's no different than the Informant Podcast. I hope you at least come back and take a well deserved bow.

    1. This is exactly what I was thinking as well. It would be great if you came back Jen but honestly I don't think anyone would be surprised if you didn't though. Have a great Christmas and New Year what ever you decide. :)

  17. Merry Christmas Jen hope its the best ever Like Toni said the blog has been almost an everyday thing to read for years To the Mucking Foron to be taking the time to come to this blog and blame Jen for changes in the game ,well you must have built such a shitty account that you would be better off closing it and taking up farmville or try pissing up a rope Jen dont need to see your shit on her blog and neither do we

  18. merry xmas jen hope its a great one have a good holiday and tysm for all your posts hope you come back you will be missed tc xx

  19. Merry Christmas thank you for all your work it improved my game 100 percent

  20. Merry x-mas and a happy new year Jen. Enjoy your holidays and please come back soon

  21. thank you for all your help! happy holidays! see you soon!

  22. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ma'am. You have done a lot for all of us MW addicts and you're greatly appreciated by thousands, if not millions for what you do.

  23. Happy Holidays Jen, and thank you for all your hard work

  24. Definitely our loss! Sorry to see you go but wish you a very Merry Christmas with all the very best in the New Year. Enjoy your "time off" :)

  25. Merry Christmas Jen! I really miss you already and all of the info and hard work you've put into maintaining this blog over all the years. I hope selfishly that you do come back but understand when interests change. Enjoy your holidays!

  26. Happy Holidays jen, you done a great job for years and wishing you the very best and love this holidays <3

  27. Have a great time away from the game, and if we don't get your help again the game will be pretty much over for a lot of people. me included. so....please don't come back!!!!! :) It will be good to leave all of this behind! Thanks for all you have done!!

  28. Happy Holidays and thanks for the help you given!!! Maybe its time to stop autoplayer too..(as really got bored with changes made last 2 years)

  29. Have a very good holiday. I will miss reading your page.Your help was always appreciated. Merry Christmas and maybe you will pop in again.Cheers from Ireland

  30. Have a great holiday,Jen--Ignore the naysayers it is their problem not yours--I truly appreciate all you have done--It has helped me tremendously--Enjoy your time away--I hope you come back but if not rest assured you will be missed--once again Have a fantastic holiday!!

  31. Wish you the best whatever you decide after your holiday break. Many thanks for all you've done to help so many of us with the game.

  32. Thanks for all the info over the years, and enjoy the holidays :)

  33. Will be doing the same through the Christmas break, as will many I suspect. Enjoy your break and hope we see you on the other side, but if not I'm sure it everyone (aside the odd dickhead) will join me in thanking you for all your time over the years, and the best of luck in whatever the future holds.

  34. Merry Christmas, Jen, to you and yours!

    “You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?"
    "I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”
    ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

  35. don't let the assholes who play the game ruin it for you. i hope you enjoy the break and !!! in the mean time have a very merry christmas and thatnks for everything you have done for us and i hope you come back and enjoy the game once again

  36. Happy Holidays, and thank you for all your hard work. Hope to see you return in 2016 !

  37. Merry Christmas to you Jen..... Whether you decide to return or stay away you should know this.... You have been one of the most inspirational and helpful people i have known during my time playing this damn game and without you and others like you ( the Addon team, The Spock guys and many others) i would have quit years ago...... I hope you do return but if not all i can say is one MASSIVE GREAT THANK YOU.... YOU ARE AWESOME :)

    1. Beautifully said, Darren! I agree 100%!!!!!!! Thank you so much, Jen! <3

  38. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Jenn. Thank you so much for all the valuable information you have tirelessly provided to the Mafia Wars community. I hope a long holiday break is all you need and will come back to the game. Thank you for all you have done.

  39. I hope your Holidays are joyous. If you decide to make your break permanent you will be sorely missed by the MW community. I know I miss you already. Thank you for all of your hard work

  40. Merry Christmas Jen! Thank you for all you do for us, it is much appreciated!

  41. Merry Christmas, Jen. If Zynga showed half the passion for the game as you have for your blog and your readers, you and countless others would not be so bored with the game.

  42. Happy holidays to you too. Hope you come back soon as your info is regularly read here and is very valuable to the MW community.

  43. Merry Christmas Jen.
    Thank you for all of the hard work that you have put in. It has been gratefully appreciated

  44. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for all youhave done to make the game a little easier to understand and everything else. enjoy your break in whatever you do. Just know that 99.9999 percent of us appreciate every little thing you have done over the years. I think many of us would have quit long ago without your invaluable help with this here and your page on Facebook.

  45. I miss your updates ... merry xmas and season holidays ... be back soon

  46. Have a happy holiday season and I hope you remain interested enough to continue, but if not, i understand. the Zynga crew has been botching MW for a long time.

  47. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

  48. All the best on your time off.

  49. ok Christmas is over Jen.... time to get back in the saddle


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