
Aug 17, 2010

Mafia Wars Street Team

The Mafia Wars Fan Page has finally posted something worth checking out.  The source of the mysterious Mafia Wars truck that was spotted in Las Vegas last week (1) has been defined as the Mafia Wars Street Team.  So far there are pictures of The Street Team in action in New York and Las Vegas.  To view them all click on the links above each city.  I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't find this truck and even more so that The New York Street Team looks way cooler than The Las Vegas one.  They got a super hot chick and we are stuck with a Don Johnson look-a-like from the 1980's!
I'm not so sure I want to find this truck anymore.  I'll give up on my search and let them continue to talk to all the tourists who don't even play Mafia Wars.


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