
Aug 16, 2010

Beat The Feds: One Day Extension

If you log into your Mafia Wars account, you will get the following pop-up telling you to "Fight On!".
Zynga must feel bad about the hassles this challenge has caused.  They apologize for the inconveniences we have gone through and give us 100 Victory Tokens and a Silenced Sniper Rifle (70/28) for free.  This is a pretty good weapon that we can buy in The Marketplace Fight Club once we get to Fighting Mastery Level 21.
I checked my inventory and I really did get this weapon.  I know I never purchased one in The Fight Club because I'm only at Level 14 of Fighting Mastery.  Thanks Zynga!  If only you would do something like this every time I'm inconvenienced by while playing Mafia Wars.

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